Jake Spicer + Cass Art / Feb 2019

Jake Spicer + Cass Art / Feb 2019

The February Jake Spicer life drawing class kicked things up a notch. We explored the negative space and the figure in the space around it as a whole.

The first exercise was drawing out only the negative space around the model in short (3' I think) poses.

I've again went with the charcoal as it gives me a soft, easy movement across the paper yet leaves a dark trace.

Putting the model in "a box" made me somewhat frustrated as my experience with interior/perspective is fleeting at best. Maybe this is why I enjoy figurative drawing so much more.

I was, however happy to take on the challenge. There's a special pleasure in discovering a new area where you can make a lot of progress.

I've ended the class with a classic figure drawing, however.

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